The Pig 'n' Whistle in midtown Manhattan is typical of many of the area's taverns. What the narrow storefront space lacks in width, it more than makes up for in depth and height, spanning two floors and extending far to the back of the building it occupies. "It's only about 25 feet wide, but it's more than 75 feet deep, and there's an open veranda and dining area upstairs, with a high open ceiling," says Rich Trombitas of Cornwall-based Cardone Solomon & Associates Inc.
"It's a beautiful place," says Trombitas. "The architecture is just stunning, the finish and detail looks wonderful. But sonically it's very challenging. The stage is located on the second level, and particularly on Friday and Saturday nights when they have Irish bands and DJs in there, the noise level can be a real challenge."
The main floor is served by three wall-mounted TRX82 two-way cabinets per side, with low frequency coverage augmented by a 212 subwoofer mounted in a closet, as well as an 12B sub concealed at the end of a banquet seating area. The second level veranda and dining area is covered by six 15B compact two-way boxes, with a second
The system design was further complicated by architectural changes during the construction phase that limited the number of viable locations for speaker mounting. "We were originally going to go with six 212 cabinets per side, but we replaced them with three of the 208s," says Trombitas. "It’s a longer cabinet, with two 8-inch woofers. They turned out to be perfect for the application, because you've got 120 degree coverage that's uniform throughout the entire listening area. You can walk all the way from the front to the back and the coverage is nice and even."
Despite the architectural challenges, Trombitas says the end result was a great success. "The owners love the system," he says. "They're getting good quality background music during the day, and high-impact performance with great vocal sound at night for DJs and live shows. It sounds great on both floors, with no feedback issues."